Unity of Command II - Beginner Tutorial - Deployment - Magic Game World

Unity of Command II – Beginner Tutorial – Deployment

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Beginner Tutorial – Deployment

Deployment (“deploy”) is an HQ action that takes a specialist, or some combination of infantry+armor, from the HQ force pool, and adds it to a unit. When deployed, infantry+armor once again become steps. For example, New Zealand infantry and 2x UK armor equipment combined become a New Zealand armor step.


There are two ways to deploy steps. If you want to deploy to a specific unit, do the following:


1. Select the unit on the map (HQ bar in the lower right shows in its black variant)


2. Go to the Force Pool section, and click on the deploy menu button


3. The deploy menu will show steps for this unit type if they can be created from the infantry/equipment available in the force pool. It will also show all specialists that can be deployed to this unit.


4. Select the ones you want to deploy



If you want to deploy something from the force pool, but you are not sure to which units you can deploy, use this other method:


1. Select the HQ on the map (HQ bar in the lower right shows in its brass variant)


2. Go to the Force Pool section, and click on the deploy menu button


3. The deploy menu now shows all specialist types, and infantry and armor of all nationalities that are present in the HQ’s force pool. Select the one you would like to deploy.


4. The game will now highlight all units that can receive that specialist or infantry/armor


5. Click on the unit to reorg 1 specialist or step


Again with the second method, there can be some unexpected consequences. For example, you could have plenty of US armor in the force pool, but when you click to highlight the units that can receive it, none are highlighted. This can happen if you don’t have infantry in the force pool, and therefore infantry + 2x armor combinations can’t be formed to create armor steps. XP Effect: deploying steps (but not specialists) lowers the unit’s xp by 20 per step. As an exception, green units do not lose xp when reinforced.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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