Unity of Command II – Saturation Strike - Magic Game World

Unity of Command II – Saturation Strike

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Saturation Strike

A saturation strike simulates a heavy air attack with strategic air forces normally reserved for bombing deep behind enemy lines. It can target enemy units in any hex on the map, however, those units must be fully visible to the player and not hidden in the fog of war. Intel markers can not be targeted.


A saturation strike can cause damage in neighboring hexes, in addition to the targeted hex. This means there is some potential for friendly fire losses if the targeted unit is adjacent to friendly units.


Targeted unit losses from saturation strike are randomly picked from a window in the saturation strike losses table. Shifts move the window to the left (negative) or to the right (positive). The following shifts apply to saturation strike:


● weather: -1 if the weather is mud or snow


● terrain: -1 if the terrain is MTN, FOR or CTY


● green: +1 if defending unit is green


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Neighboring hexes: for each unit (friendly or enemy) in a neighboring hex, there is a 25% chance of 1 SUP, and a 25% chance of 1 KIA.


If the targeted unit is in a city, there is a 6% chance that the city is turned to ruins on each saturation strike. Neighboring hexes cannot be turned into ruins.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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