Unturned Backpacks Guide - Magic Game World

Unturned Backpacks Guide



Diving tank

Description: Packed full of oxygen


Slots: 2×4 (8)


Obtained: Camps


Rarity: Rare


Opinion: There are only 2 more slots than the T-shirt but its extremely useful when going underwater whilst also using a snorkel.




Description: Medium sized synthetic backpack.


Slots: 4×7 (28)


Obtained: In laundromats, schools, parks and clothes shops


Rarity: Common


Opinion: A good clothing item for starting. Because it has more slots than any pants, shirts and vests.




Description: Medium sized synthetic gym bag.


Slots: 4×7 (28)


Obtained: In laundromats, schools, parks and clothes shops


Rarity: Common


Opinon: Moar swag than the daypack!



Leather Pack

Description: Durable crafted backpack.


Slots: 6×5 (30)


Obtained: Crafting (3 leather)


Rarity: Common


Opinion: Personally, I don’t use this commonly, mainly because travelpacks are easier to get and have more slots. Only craft this backpack if you can’t find Alicepacks, Travelpacks and Leather Packs. To get this, it might require some skills like sneakybeaky so you can sneak up and kill deer, reindeer, cows, pigs etc.




Description: Medium sized synthetic travel bag.


Slots: 7×5 (35)


Obtained: In laundromats, schools, parks and clothes shops


Rarity: Common


Opinion: Superior than the previous backpacks. The travelpack can be used for holding several weapons in. Always take it if you only have a Daypack, Dufflebag or Leatherpack.



Spec Ops Rucksack

Description: Medium sized tactical backpack.


Slots: 5×8 (40)


Obtained: At military bases, usually in rifle cases. Sometimes dropped by the Mega Zombie


Rarity: Legendary


Opinion: Slighty better than the travelpack. The slots look similar to the Daypacks/Dufflebags slots. Even though the Rarity is Legendary, it still is worse than the Alicepack. Spec Ops sets probably have the best protection in the game, since they have less slots and are rarer than Military clothing.




Description: Large sized military cargo backpack.


Slots: 7×8 (56)


Obtained: At military bases, usually in rifle cases and sometimes dropped by Mega Zombies.


Rarity: Epic


Opinion: Alicepacks have the most space in the game, beating every other backpack by more than 16 slots.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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