Unturned Basics of Being a Fake Zombie - Magic Game World

Unturned Basics of Being a Fake Zombie


1. Making your character a fake zombie

First off, obviously you want to make your character look like a zombie, which is simple, go to your character customization, remove the hair and beard. (because zombies dont have a beard or hair, if you are a fake zombie with beard or hair, you will be the most obvious fake zombie and will die as soon as someone comes by) Then, you want to change the skin color to match zombie skin color.




Fake zombie should look exactly like this, a new player might not be able to tell the difference, but those who have played longer will be able to tell the difference, so make sure the color bars are these
Red: 100 Blue: 100 Green: 124


Then, the final change to your characters appearance, the face. You will want to select the zombie face (The D: face seen above)


Now you should look like a zombie, only thing is that you need clothes, and DO NOT wear any cosmetics like the turtle shirt, because that would be as bad mistake as having hair or beard, or any other face.





2. Clothes

Obviously, you need clothes, i dont recommend regular civilian clothing because it has a lack of armor and might be hard to make look like an actual civilian zombie, but good for every fake zombie, there is some clothing sets that will make people think “Hey, thats a zombie!” One good example is the military outfit, helmet (beret also works in russia and germany maps) vest, shirt, and pants, notice that zombies DO NOT wear backpacks, also dont try to be a fake mega zombie, that would be just dumb, because your characters size does not match mega zombies size and is not that muscular as mega zombie is.


I recommend these clothing sets: Police (hat, shirt, pants, and (Optional) vest) Camper (shirt and pants) Fisherman (shirt, pants, and hat) Military zombie (Also Known As “Soldier zombie” Helmet (or beret in russia and germany maps) shirt, vest (not necessary in russia or germany) aswell as pants) Doctor/Medic zombie (shirt and pants) Construction zombie (helmet, shirt and pants) Coastguard zombie (Works only in hawaii map, shirt, pants, and a red cap (these zombies sometimes wear red travelpacks) Mechanic zombie (shirt and pants) aswell as some others.



3. Best hiding spot

After you have the clothing set you will use and are ready for your first kill, go to a place where you can find zombies of that type, wich means if you have military outfit, go to a military location.


Also try to pose your character like an actual zombie would, for example if you are looking up while hiding and someone shows up.. it is not gonna end up well for you. Real zombies look slightly down and face towards some direction.


Also you might want to hide your weapon in your inventory, because zombies never have a rifle or shotgun sticking out from their backs.


Then you just wait for someone to show up, kill him with whatever weapon you have, and take his stuff (But only the stuff what you want, you probably do want to have inventory space avaiable in case someone shows up with good loot and you manage to kill him)



4. Countering a fake zombie

If you dont have the Gold DLC or dont want to be a fake zombie, this part of the guide is for you. First you will need to learn how to spot a fake zombie, it wont be easy if the fake zombie has perfect disguise and his appearance matches the way zombies look like, well, you should`nt just get a machinegun and mow down every single zombie in hope that you kill the fake one, because you might just end up luring the fake zombie to you and you will end up dying. But heres the part where you will have to learn how to spot the difference, wich is the little details on the zombies and fake zombies.


Just look at this screenshot for a moment.




Can you tell the difference between a fake zombie and a real one? Do you know what one of all those zombies is the fake zombie? Anyways, fake zombies can be spotted by looking at the little details you might sometimes ignore, take a look at this screenshot, there is again, another fake zombie hiding there.




The police zombie near the wardrobe is the fake zombie, how did I know it? By paying attention to the single detail on the fake zombies face, the fake zombies mouth has slightly different color than a real zombies mouth, zombie mouths color seems to have faded or something, that’s how you recognize a fake zombie. Good luck countering those fake zombies.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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