Unturned Sniper Tactics Guide - Magic Game World

Unturned Sniper Tactics Guide



Timberwolf [18]

“Canadian sniper rifle chambered in Timberwolf ammunition.”


Magazine Capacity: 6


Attachment Hooks: Scope, Grip, and Tactical


Damage: 99


Range: 300m/328yds


Fire Type: Bolt-action


Ammunition Type: High Caliber Military Ammunition



Grizzly [297]

“American sniper rifle chambered in Grizzly ammunition.”


Magazine Capacity: 5


Attachment Hooks: Sight, Grip, and Tactical


Damage: 99


Range: 300m/328yds


Fire Type: Semi-automatic


Ammunition Type: High Caliber Military Ammunition



Shadowstalker [300]

“Prototype railgun chambered in Rail ammunition.”


Magazine Capacity: 1


Attachment Hooks: Scope, Grip, and Tactical


Damage: 99 Also has splash damage of 5


Range: 300m/328yds


Fire Type: Single-shot


Ammunition Type: Rail



Ekho [1382]

“Russian sniper rifle chambered in Ekho ammunition.”


Magazine Capacity: 7


Attachment Hooks: Scope, Grip, and Tactical


Damage: 99


Range: 300m/328yds


Fire Type: Bolt-action


Ammunition Type: High Caliber Ranger Ammunition



Shadowstalker Mk. II [1441]

“Prototype railgun chambered in Shadowstalker Mk.II ammunition.”


Magazine Capacity: 20


Attachment Hooks: Scope, Grip, and Tactical


Damage: 50 Also has splash damage of 100


Range: 300m/328yds


Fire Type: Semi-automatic


Ammunition Type: Shadowstalker Mk. II Drum





8x Scope [21]


Cross Scope 6x zoom [22]


Chevron Scope 4x zoom [148]


7x Scope [153]


16x Scope [296]


Shadowstalker Scope 6x zoom [302]


Nightvision Scope 6x zoom [1201]


Augewehr Scope 4x zoom [1363]


Shadowstalker Mk. II 20x zoom [1442]




Vertical Grip Reduces vertical recoil by 60%, and horizontal recoil by 20% [8]


Bipod Reduces vertical and horizontal recoil by 60% while prone [143]


Horizontal Grip Reduces vertical recoil by 20%, and horizontal recoil by 60% [145]




Tactical Laser Decreases spread by 20% when turned on [151]


Tactical Light Acts as a flashlight that provides light when turned on [152]


Adaptive Increases firerate [1007]


Rangefinder Displays range. Shows green when in range, and red when out of range [1008]


Bayonet Acts as a melee weapon that causes damage when activated [1438]




Choosing the right clothing for you:



Ghillie Suit

The ghillie suit is meant to make you harder to detect when in natural terrain; grass, trees and bushes. This can be good for snipers, but once detected you’re almost guaranteed to die in the next couple seconds. The ghillie suit has poor protection, low inventory space, and very rare. Overall it’s recommended to wear the ghillie suit when sniping outside of hotspots, and hiding in the foliage on hills.



Military Outfit

The military outfit more of a general type of clothing. It has moderate protection, inventory space, and not very rare to find. Military outfits don’t have good camouflage, so that is a major flaw for snipers. The spec op outfit is another choice and has high protection, low inventory space, and very rare. Like the military outfit, the spec ops outfit is bad at camouflage and is not recommended for snipers.


Consider the following when deciding what to wear:


– Defense


– Inventory space


– Availability


– Camouflage capabilities


– Your Environment




What are spotters? Spotters are essentially assistants to the sniper. Spotters should have an accurate assault rifle with plenty of ammo, and an a carbine as their secondary. They defend the sniper when an attacker approaches the sniper’s location. The spotter also acts as a scout; locating enemies and calling out target locations and ranges. Spotters should have as much defense and ammo as possible.




Spotters should always have binoculars on them, binoculars are a valuable tool that allows them to locate enemies that are at extreme ranges that only the sniper can reach. Snipers have a small field of view when looking through a scope, which makes the spotter the main eyes of the group.




Unfortunately there comes a time in every encounter that the sniper and spotter must retreat to safety. The spotter shuld have created an evacuation plan prior to arriving at the scene. The spotter should take shelter behind cover and slow down the attacking force as much as they can, while the sniper provides cover fire for the spotter as they both gradually retreat to safety.






DISCLAIMER: All of the following information only matters when ballistics are enabled!


Bullet Drop: The effect gravity has on a bullet, causing that bullet to dip down while in the air.


Shadowstalker & Shadowstalker Mk.II are not affected by BULLET DROP


8x Scope: 1 notch per 120m/131yds


7x Scope: 1 notch per 70m/77yds


16x Scope: 1 notch per 50m/55yds


Military Nightvision Scope: 1 notch per 250m/273yds


Bullet Time: The time it takes for a bullet to reach your target.


Bullet time is only a problem if your target is moving, you’d want to aim about 2m/2yds ahead of the direction your target is moving. Compensating for bullet time will become easier with practice.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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