Victoria 3 Cheats & Console Commands
Articles, Victoria 3 /
25 Apr 2022
In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to activate and use the command prompt in Victoria 3, along with how to access a full list of available console commands. Let’s dive in.
To start, you’ll need to be in the game. Once you’re there, press the tilde (~) key—it’s the one right between the Tab and ESC keys. This action will pop up the console window. If it’s not working, you might need to switch your keyboard layout to “US.” After that, you’re ready to type in your codes. Just input any of the following commands and hit [Enter] to get the corresponding effect rolling:
Cheat Codes
Command – Effect
- help: Shows a list of all commands.
- add_approval (interest group name) (amount) (time period): Adjusts the approval rating for a specified interest group.
- add_clout (interest group name) (amount) (time period): Modifies the clout of a specific interest group.
- add_loyalists (culture) (amount): Increases the number of loyalists of a certain culture.
- add_radicals (culture) (amount): Increases the number of radicals of a certain culture.
- add_relations (country tag) (amount): Alters diplomatic relations with a particular country.
- add_war_support (country tag) (amount): Modifies the war support level of a specified country.
- annex (country tag/id): Fully annexes another country.
- change_law (law key) (country tag): Changes a specific law in a given country.
- changestatepop (state ID) (pop type/all) (factor): Adjusts the population of a specific state.
- conquerall (country tag): Gives control of all provinces in a specific country.
- create_country (country definition) (country type) (culture) (state ID): Creates a new country with specified parameters.
- disable_ai (all/tag): Disables the artificial intelligence.
- enable_ai (all/tag): Enables the artificial intelligence.
- event (event name) (country tag/province ID): Triggers a specific event.
- fastinstitutions: Toggles a mode that speeds up institutions.
- fastinterests: Toggles a mode that speeds up interests.
- fastrevolutions: Toggles a mode that speeds up revolutions.
- fastsecession: Toggles a mode that speeds up secession.
- help (command name): Provides a description of a specific command.
- ignore_government_support: Toggles a mode that ignores government support.
- kill_character (character name): Kills a specific character.
- money (amount): Adds a specified amount of money to your country.
- music.playtrack (track name): Plays a specific music track.
- norevolution: Enables or disables revolutions.
- nosecession: Enables or disables secession.
- observe: Toggles observe mode.
- own (province id/state region tag) (country tag): Changes the ownership of a province or state.
- permitmarginalizedingovernment: Toggles a mode that permits marginalized groups in government.
- popstat: Shows the number of active populations.
- portrait_editor: Opens the portrait editor.
- province borders (true/false): Shows or hides province borders.
- research (specific technology key or era number): Grants a specific technology or all technologies leading up to a specific era.
- script_docs(script_documentation): Prints script documentation.
- screenshot: Takes a screenshot of the game.
- set_devastation_level (state region tag) (amount): Sets the level of devastation in a specific state.
- testobjective (subgoal key): Tests an objective, with an optional subgoal key.
- treatyport (state region ID): Takes a treaty port in a specific state region.
- version: Shows the game version.
- wagerate (building ID) (new wage rate): Sets a new wage rate for a specific building.
- yesmen: Makes AI agree to all of the player’s diplomatic proposals and sway offers.
- set_pollution_level (state region tag) (amount): Sets the pollution level in a specific state.
- settings: Opens a settings GUI.
- skip_migration: Toggles migration skipping.
- spawnentity (entity name) (state): Spawns a specified entity at the cursor position.
- spawnentity_at (entity name) (x) (y) (state): Spawns a specified entity at specific coordinates.
- switchlanguage (language name): Switches the game language.
- tag (country tag): Switches play to a specified country.
- time: Shows the system time.
- testevent (event name) (country tag/province ID): Tests an event targeting a specific country or province.