Victoria 3: Employee Qualifications - Magic Game World

Victoria 3: Employee Qualifications

Victoria 3: Employee Qualifications

Qualifications in pops are all about figuring out which folks are fit for specific jobs. This gets updated every month based on how well the pop’s current situation matches the job requirements. For example, if you’ve got a bunch of people working as machinists, and they’re pretty well-educated and making decent money, they’ve got a good shot at becoming engineers. The more they meet the engineer job requirements, the more potential engineers you’ll have.


When a building hires someone, that person moves to a new pop and gets a new job, but they keep their old qualifications too. So, if an engineer used to be a machinist, and before that a farmer, they’ll still have qualifications for all those jobs.


These qualifications stick around when pops move, merge, or pass away. So, if you’re not giving new opportunities for qualifications, once the old pops are gone, you’ll have a gap until new qualified pops show up.


This system is here to show you what jobs your population is ready for. You can’t just take over a new place with uneducated folks and immediately turn it into a high-tech hub. You’ve got to wait for qualified people to move there, or better yet, improve education and change laws to help the locals get those high-status jobs.


In a nutshell, qualifications are all about making sure education, laws, and social conditions play a big role in shaping your society and economy. It’s a subtle but crucial part of managing your nation, especially when you’re dealing with big changes like industrialization or big population shifts.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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