Victoria 3: Profession Change - Magic Game World

Victoria 3: Profession Change

Victoria 3: Profession Change

Every pop has a job, and for buildings to do their thing and boost the economy and society, they need pops with the right jobs working in them. Switching up production methods can also change how many of each kind of job a building needs.


You, as the player, have the power to create these job opportunities. And when you mix that with different production methods, you can cause demographic shifts that are more localized and predictable. Just remember: the same job can have different impacts in different buildings with different production methods. So, higher-paid pops aren’t always doing more important work than the lower-paid ones. Everyone’s got a role to play in this production “recipe.” The machinists need laborers to shovel coal, and the shopkeepers need seamstresses to make clothes to sell.


Pops switch jobs automatically, and you can’t directly control it. But getting a grip on how it works can really help when you’re building up your country. You can make sure you’ve got the right people for the right jobs before you go all in on industrializing a state, or keep an eye on social mobility if you’re in a place that’s already a bit shaky…


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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