Void Crew PC Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)
Void Crew offers you a ticket to star-spanning mayhem and cooperative bonding. This science fiction journey lets you and up to three companions (or gutsy unknowns) join forces to steer a spaceship through unfriendly galaxies. Every mission requires teamwork fast reactions, and knowing which control to hit when things go wrong – from fighting extraterrestrials to fixing hull damage during combat.
With enemy vessels on one side and space hazards on the other, Void Crew shows that space isn’t for the timid or the unprepared. This manual will help you get a handle on the controls so you can steer through asteroid belts, shoot plasma weapons, and not launch your teammates into the vacuum. Because in the depths of space, nobody will hear you shout, “Who switched the airlock to manual mode?!”
PC Keyboard and Mouse Controls
Gameplay Actions
- Move character: W, A, S, D
- Camera movement: Move Mouse
- Respawn (when dead): Left Mouse Button
- Pick up / Place object: Left Mouse Button
- Throw object: Right Mouse Button
- Jump: Space Button
- Run: Shift
- Interaction: F
- Show / Hide mouse cursor: K
- Ping: Middle Mouse Button
- Flashlight: T
- Chat: Enter
- Ping self: X
- Logbook: P
- Dismiss hint: F1
Sitting in Chair
- Leave chair: F
- Exit sacrograph: F
- Primary Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Alternate Fire: Right Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Change view: C
- Change view: 1
- Move forward: W
- Move backward: S
- Turn left: A
- Turn right: D
- Strafe left: Q
- Strafe right: E
- Move up: Space
- Move down: C
- Use thruster boosters: Shift
- Toggle cruise mode: Z
- Scan / Set target lock: Right Mouse Button
- Move character: W, A, S, D
- Move up: Space
- Move down: C
- Dash: Shift
- Leave cryptics: Escape
- Interaction: F
- Navigate Up: W
- Navigate Down: S
- Navigate Left: A
- Navigate Right: D
- Confirm: Enter
- Cancel: Escape
- Push to Talk: Left Ctrl
Xbox Gamepad Controls
Gameplay Actions
- Move character: Left stick
- Camera movement: Right stick
- Respawn (when dead): X
- Pick up / Place object: X
- Throw object: B
- Jump: A
- Run: Press left stick
- Interaction: X
- Ping: Dpad up
- Flashlight: Dpad right
- Chat: Hold Y
- Ping self: Dpad down
- Logbook: Back
- Dismiss hint: B
Sitting in Chair
- Leave chair: Hold B
- Exit sacrograph: Hold B
- Primary Fire: RT
- Alternate Fire: LT
- Reload: X
- Change view: Press right stick
- Change view: Press right stick
- Move forward: Left stick forward
- Move backward: Left stick back
- Turn left: Left stick left
- Turn right: Left stick right
- Strafe left: LB
- Strafe right: RB
- Move up: RT
- Move down: LT
- Use thruster boosters: Press left stick
- Toggle cruise mode: Y
- Scan / Set target lock: X
- Move character: Left stick
- Move up: RT
- Move down: LT
- Dash: Press left stick
- Leave cryptics: B
- Interaction: X
- Navigate Up: Left stick/Dpad up
- Navigate Down: Left stick/Dpad down
- Navigate Left: Left stick/Dpad left
- Navigate Right: Left stick/Dpad right
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B