Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Warhammer /
05 May 2017
Mouse ControlsÂ
- Left Click: Select Unit or Structure (Hold and drag to select multiple)
- Right Click: Move to location / Attack target (with unit selected)
- Scroll Wheel: Zoom in/out
- Scroll Click: Move Camera
Keyboard Controls
Grid/Ability Hotkeys
- Top Row: Q, W, E, R
- Middle Row: A, S, D, F
- Bottom Row: Z, X, C, V
Race Specific Hotkeys – Space Marine
- Plant the Standart: G
- Drop Pod Slot 1: J
- Drop Pod Slot 2: K
- Drop Pod Slot 3: L
Basic Hotkeys
- Deselect Unit/Structure: ESC (with a unit selected)
- Pause Menu: ESC (without a unit selected)
- Open Chat: Enter
- Pause Game: Pause Break
- Pan Up: Up or Ctrl+W
- Pant Down: Down or Ctrl+S
- Pan Right: Right or Ctrl+D
- Pan Left: Left or Ctrl+A
- Elite Slot 1: F1
- Elite Slot 2: F2
- Elite Slot 3: F3
- Super Ability: F4
- Building 1: F5
- Building 2: F6
- Building 3: F7
- Building 4: F8
- Building 5: F9
- Pause Menu: F10
- Lock Mouse to Window: Ctrl + Backspace
Advanced Hotkeys
- Focus Camera on Selection: Apostrophe
- Focus Camera on HQ: Home
- Default Camera: Backspace
- Zoom In: PageUp
- Zoom Out: PageDown
- View Player List: 0
- Select Control Groups: #
- Create Control Groups: Ctrl + #
- Clear Control Groups: ALTÂ + #
- Cycle to Next Builder Unit: Comma
- Cycle to Next Infantry Unit: Period
- Cycle to Next Vehicle Unit: Slash
- Cycle to Next Idle Builder Unit: ALT + Comma
- Cycle to Next Idle Infantry Unit: ALT + Period
- Cycle to Next Idle Vehicle Unit: ALT + Slash
- Select All Units: CapsLock
- Select All on Screen Units: Ctrl + A
- Quick Save: Shift + F5
- Ping Menu: Ctrl + B
- Ping Attack: Ctrl + H
- Ping Defend: Ctrl + J
- Ping Capture: Ctrl + G
- Ping Caution: Ctrl + L
- Toggle HUD: Ctrl + U
- Decrease Speed: Minus
- Increase Speed:Â Equals
- Next Player: Right-Bracket
- Previous Player: Left-Bracket