Warhammer: Vermintide 2 PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 PC Cheats

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When approaching your downed teammate, Switch to your Melee Weapon and hold down Right Mouse Button; this will cause you to block, and while blocking, you hold E to revive your teammate.


It is a very basic thing, but so far, the game doesn’t teach you about it. With this trick, you can take greater risks to revive someone and won’t have to fully clear the area of enemies before being able to revive them.


Not a whole lot of people know about this because this was actually a bug in Vermintide 1, but the developers were merciful enough to leave it in the game.



Tips and Tricks 

  • Save your leveling cache’s you get for higher/later levels as they open up to LVL 300 vs. others you get completing missions being lower. Plus, you’ll get white/green gear from them if you open them early levels, vs. later giving orange/blue gear.


  • Cache’s can be saved and opened on other characters for that character’s loot!


  • Gear drops etc., are based on what you’ve SEEN from each category, so if you’ve seen a 170 weapon, you can craft a weapon that comes out to that level or will find them from now on at that level.


  • Gear other than the weapons can be shared across each character/career.


  • YOU CAN BLOCK WHILE PICKING SOMEONE UP! Hold block before holding the key for the person to pick them up, and you will do so!


  • STAY TOGETHER, even if you’re super awesome! Separating or having one person stay on an elevated platform while everyone else drops down can spell disaster if a hook/leech/etc. Grabs that person and kills them, making it so the rest can’t pick them up.


  • Do not glutton items; communicate with your team! If you have a necklace that regens your health, but you cannot heal yourself, TELL YOUR TEAM things like this! So THEY can use medkits on you to heal you if needed!


  • If you go down 3x before you heal with potions/medkits, the 3rd time will be instant with no picking you up! Think about that before chugging potions simply due to lack of health vs. someone that has been downed 2x!


  • Try to be mindful of your team as much as you can, always looking behind you, etc. Spell effects like Bardin’s flame thrower + most of Sienna’s ability’s/ranged attacks are dang near impossible to see through, be careful.


  • Learn to block a lot for later difficulties. Also, a lot of people don’t notice that while blocking, you can Leave a click to do a push; if you hold that Left click longer, it will also do a shield bash/weapon swing, etc., while continuing to block!


  • Big armored guys need heavy hits and such to kill usually! So wind up your attacks to do so!


  • Weapons with a 180-degree block radius can be turned into 360-degree blocking capable with only one piece of 30% block/push radius trait.


  • You can dodge grabs/hooks/leech attacks if you’re fast enough!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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