Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Weapon and Item Properties List - Magic Game World

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Weapon and Item Properties List

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Here’s a list of all the properties and their values for Melee, Ranged, Neckless, Charm, and Trinket.



Property List

Attack Speed

3.0 – 5.0%

How fast you swing or fire your weapon.



Block Stamina Cost

10.0 – 30.0%

Reduces the amount of stamina taken when you block.



Curse Resistance

11.0 – 33.0%

Reduces the amount of health lost when you or someone in your team has one or two grimoires.



Crit Power

10.0% – 20.0%

Increases the damage of critical hits.



Crit Chance

3.0 – 5.0%

Increases the chances of doing a critical hit.



Cooldown Reduction

5 – 20%

Reduces the speed of the active ability on your cooldown.



Damage Reduction vs AoE attacks

5.0 – 10.0%

Reduces the damage taken from AOE attacks such as gas, warpfire, Troll bile, ground pound etc.



Damage Reduction vs Chaos

5.0 – 10.0%

Reduces the damage taken from Chaos enemies.



Damage Reduction vs Skaven

5.0 – 10.0%

Reduces the damage taken from Skaven enemies.




10.0 – 20.0%

Increases your player health.



Power vs Armored

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to armored enemies.



Power vs Chaos

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to Chaos enemies



Power vs Berserkers

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to Berserkers and (possibly) Plague Monks.



Power vs Skaven

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to Skaven enemies.



Power vs Monsters

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to Rat Ogres, Stormfiends, Chaos Spawn, Bile Troll and Packmasters.



Power vs Infantry

5.0 – 10.0%

Increases the damage done to Man-Sized enemies.



Push/Block Angle

10.0 – 30.0%

Increases the angle that you can block with a weapon before you take increased block damage.



Revive Speed

10.0 – 30.0%

Increases the speed you can revive a downed ally.



Respawn Speed

10.0 – 30.0

Increases the time it takes to respawn after dying.




1.0 – 2.0

Adds extra stamina to your melee weapon.
One shield is actually counted as 2 stamina so if you see a broken or empty shield on a melee weapon that is classed as 1 stamina.



Movement Speed

1.1 – 1.1%

Increases the speed of your standard movement speed.


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