Wasteland 3 Cheats - Magic Game World

Wasteland 3 Cheats

Wasteland 3 Cheats


Achievement Name Achievement Description Points
Rookie You beat the game on the easiest difficulty 50
Wastelander You beat the game on the normal difficulty 50
Ranger You beat the game on the hard difficulty. 50
Supreme Jerk You beat the game on the hardest difficulty. 100
Tricked Out You obtained all vehicle upgrades. 10
Mastery You reached level 25. 10
Oops You accidentally downed one of your own squad members. 10
Boomstick You killed 4 enemies at once with a single shotgun attack. 10
Wasteland Reaper You killed every living person in Downtown Colorado Springs. 10
Fire it Up You killed an enemy with fire damage. 10
Gooification You liquefied an enemy with energy damage. 10
Cold Reception You shattered a frozen enemy. 10
Badda Bing You blew up 6 enemies with a single explosive attack. 10
Mod Master You installed 4 weapon mods on a single weapon. 10
Body Builder You got modded, and can now install cyborg parts. 10
Toaster Expert You truly earned your toaster repair diploma. 10
Illuminati You uncovered the darkest of conspiracies. 10
A New Home You unlocked all the major room upgrades to Ranger HQ. 10
Expedition You collected all STDs in the Wasteland. 10
What’s In This Thing? You ate a Clown Burger. 10
Double the Fun You brought Billy and Jean all the way to the end of the game. 10
Menagerie You tamed at least one of every type of animal companion. 10
My Pretties You amassed a collection that would terrify a toy shop owner. 10
Roadkill You give hit-and-run a new meaning. 10
Chop Shop Champ You upgraded your vehicle to the highest level. 10
Scorpitron Slayer You took down a Scorpitron, in proud Ranger tradition. 10
Answering Machine You found all the cassette tapes left around Colorado. 10
Restraint You resisted temptation and never opened the Mysterious Case. 60



How to Recruit Marshal Kwon

Marshal Kwon is a Peacekeeper who is recruited through the Full House main mission. When you recruit Kwon you can an assault rifle. His starting attributes are 4-2-4-4-3-2-4.


Skills: Automatic Weapons 5, Kiss Ass 3, Sneaky Shit 3



How to Recruit Lucia Wesson

Lucia Wesson comes with the Gunslinger background. You can recruit him through the Cornered Rats main mission of Wasteland 3. You can find Lucia Wesson inside the Marshals’ Station in Downtown Colorado Springs. Her starting stats attributes are 2-3-6-1-4-5-2. Wesson brings Small Arms to the party.


Skills: Small Arms 5, Weapon Modding 3, Barter 2 Survival 2



How to Recruit Jodie Bell

Jodie Bell has a Driver background and brings a sniper rifle to your party. You will find her at the Ranger HQ and recruit her. She can prove to be a highly valuable asset for your party. Her starting stats attributes are 4-3-5-2-2-4-3.


Skills: Sniper Rifles 5, Mechanics 4, Animal Whisperer 3, First Aid 3



How to Recruit Scotchmo

With the Hobo background comes Scotchmo and this character brings a shotgun to you. You can find and recruit Scotchmo at the Ranger HQ. Scotchmo’s starting attributes are 4-5-6-4-5-2-1.


Skills: Small Arms 7, Lockpicking 4, Sneaky Shit 4, Melee Combat 2



How to Recruit Ironclad Cordite

One of the companions in Wasteland 3 is Ironclad Cordite who can be a good addition to your party. Ironclad Cordite has a Warlord background. You can find and recruit Ironclad Cordite at the Old Survivalist Bunker. His starting attributes are 8-1-2-6-6-6-2.


Skills: Brawling 9, Leadership 5, Explosives 4, Mechanics 4



How to Recruit Fishlips

Fishlips has a Scrapper background and Bladed weapons. You can find and recruit Fishlips at the Union Station. His starting attributes are 4-2-3-8-8-4-2. Fishlips is hard to get but a worthwhile addition to your party.


Skills: Melee Combat 8, Armour Modding 7, Toaster Repair 4



How to Recruit Vic Buchanan

Vic Buchanan has the Psychopath and brings Pistols to your party in Wasteland 3. You can recruit this companion at Aspen during the Little Hell mission in Wasteland 3. His starting attributes are 6-2-9-4-4-6-6.


Skills: Small Arms 10, Big Guns 8, Hard Ass 7



How to Recruit Pizepi Joren

One of the companions in Wasteland 3 is Pizepi Joren. You can recruit Pizepi Joren during thee Little Hell mission in Aspen. Joren’s starting attributes are 4-2-8-4-4-8-6 and brings SMGs to your party.


Skills: Automatic Weapons 10, Nerd Stuff 7, Weird Science 7, First Aid 2


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