Watch Dogs 2 - Fast Money Guide - Magic Game World

Watch Dogs 2 – Fast Money Guide

Watch Dogs 2

There are some ways to make fast money in Watch Dogs 2. Here are some of them.



1-) Stealing from Civilians

Robbing Civilians in San Francisco is a basic thing to collect money. But not all Civilians contains money, only a few people with the $ consists money and all you have to do is target civilian with the $ symbol and press L1 or LB to steal the money. It is hard around 70$ which is not good enough, so better way to earn more is to invest money in the Social Engineering skill tree and unlock the Improved Profiler skill.


With this upgrade, you can spot people with high amounts who appear with blue square boxes. The amount from such people ranges from 400$ to 1000$.



2-) Collecting Money Bags

Money Bags are one of the best ways to collect good enough money. The money bags are found all over San Francisco with the symbol $.


There are two types of Money Bags are found which pop up on the map, when you get near them. Small bags consist of around $4000 to $5000 of money and big bags consist of around $20,000 along with some sellable stuff as a bonus. The Big ones are mostly guarded and found in restricted areas.



3-) Selling the stolen Items

When you collect a Money bag, it consists of some other stuff along with money like valuable clothes, watches, phones, etc. And also whenever you steal a car, you will find some items in the glove box. All these loot items can be sold at a Pawn shop that is marked as a red wedding ring on the map. You can sell all the items directly from the inventory at the Pawnshop to make some extra money.



4-) Other Activities

By doing other activities like racing, and helping out civilians also you can make some extra money. The Money ranges according to the difficulty of the task. Also, you will come across some important people in the game whom you need to take down. After defeating the enemy searching for the bodies of enemies to collect the money, the boss enemy consists huge amount of money.


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