Watch Dogs: Legion Cheats
Cheats, Watch Dogs /
27 Oct 2020
Platinum Trophy
- Completionist: Get all other trophies
Gold Trophies
- Take Back London: Turn all the boroughs into Defiant state
- Divided We Fall: Complete the DedSec Storyline
Silver Trophies
- Rise Up: Turn one borough into Defiant state
- Every Walk of Life: Have a team of 20 Operatives with different occupations
- Down to the Wire: Perform 5 stealth takedowns with a Professional Hitman
- Death From Above: Kill 5 Albion guards using Dive BombNO NOT THE BEES: Neutralize 10 Albion guards using Bee Swarms
- Hack The Planet: Propagate a hack across 8 targets at once
- Shaken Not Stirred: Disable weapons of 5 Albion guards at once using the Spy Watch Gadget
- Power To The People: Have your followers neutralize a total of 3 Albion guards
- Paint Me Like One of Your…: Stun Clan Kelley members 5 times with paintball gun headshots
- Throw The Book At Them: Perform 5 arrest takedowns
- The Royal Tour: Enter Buckingham Palace’s restricted area disguised as a Royal Guard
- You Don’t See Me: Escape a Pursuit Level 5 doing a Statue Emote
- All About Aesthetic: Buy a Weapon Skin
- Re-Wrap My Whip: Buy a Vehicle Paint
- Fresh Threads: Spend 100 000 ETO on Clothes in shops
- Fully Kitted: Unlock all Upgrades
- Locked and Loaded: Purchase all the upgrades for every weapon
- Oral History: Collect 50 Audio Logs
- Magpie: Collect 15 Relics
Bronze Trophies
- Making Friends: Recruit an Operative after completing “Reporting For Duty”
- Meta-Gaming: Recruit a Video Game Designer
- Could’ve Made National: Complete Kick up challenge intermediate 1
- Bullseye: Complete a Darts game in every Darts location
- Piece de Resistance: Complete a Paste Up in every Paste Up location
- Bottom’s Up: Drink at least once in every Drink location
- DesSec Delivery: Complete 20 Parcel Fox Delivery Missions
- Brave New World: Complete “Operation Westminster”
- The Future Is Bright: Complete the 404 Storyline
- Long Live The Queen: Complete the Kelley Storyline
- Hacker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Complete the SIRS storyline
- When Good Men Do Nothing: Complete the Albion storyline
- The One That Got Away: Complete “Finding Bagley”
- In The Nick of Time: Complete “Change of Heart”
- A Roof Over Your Head: Complete “Royal Treatment”
- England For Everyone: Complete “Parks and Reclamation”
- A Dish Best Served Cold: Complete a Revenge Mission
- And Stay Down: Defeat a DedSec Adversary