Wizard of Legend – Arcana Guide - Magic Game World

Wizard of Legend – Arcana Guide

FCF6CD6D AC45 4EDF BDC7 89A997E96BA2

Arcana are cards that have been traced with preset spells and imbued with a refined form of raw chaos that allows for quick and easy casting of spells.



Arcana in the dungeon

Directly manipulating chaos to produce spells is difficult and time-consuming, and involves intense focus and precise gestures, but allows more flexibility as to what the effect is.


Arcana have preset spells imbued into them, and wizards can instantly create their stored effects by simply channeling their magic through the card. Arcana are generally created with a specific element and spell effect in mind, and don’t allow much if any, flexibility in their effect.


In the fast-paced and stressful environment of the chaos trials, free-casting is impossible, so competitors must rely on the Arcana that they have brought with them and found along the way.




Each Arcana is associated with an element; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, or Lightning, each of which has its own properties, strengths, and weaknesses. An element deals more damage to and takes less damage from its strength, and the reverse for its weakness. These can be seen in the table below:


FAE81881 00BB 4A6F 8ACD A78C3561F39E


Or for simplicity: Fire > Air > Earth > Lightning > Water > Fire, going left for weakness and right for strength.


Enemies also take less damage from their own element (i.e. Freiya takes less damage from water).


Elemental attacks deal -20% damage to targets of the same elemental type, +20% damage to targets that are weak to that element, and -10% damage to targets that are strong to that element.



Chaos Arcana

Chaos arcana are an extremely rare and powerful type of arcana. Few wizards are capable of using them, and even fewer can create them. The head of the Magical Council is the only known person capable of crafting chaos arcana, and they are only given out as awards for completing the trials. Due to their rarity, details of their effects remain a mystery.



Projectiles and Melee Arcana

Arcana can generally be split into two categories: Projectile and Melee arcana.


When two projectiles collide, the game will reduce both projectile’s damage by the other’s damage. If the damage of the projectile after collision is less than ten, it’s destroyed. As an example, if you have 2 projectiles, one with 5 damage, and one with 10 damage, and they collide, the first one will be reduced to -5 damage, and be destroyed. The second projectile will be reduced to 5 damage, and also be destroyed. This damage reduction stays even after the two particles have finished the collision. If one isn’t destroyed in the collision, it will continue on with the reduced damage.


The Flak Gauntlet makes all melee basic attacks automatically destroy projectiles, regardless of their damage.


There are a few arcana that are special, and don’t fit into either of these categories, such as Bolt Rail (which is neither projectile nor melee).


These categories are also responsible for item effects being applied, such as the Dark Katana, which only affects any melee arcana.



List of arcana

There are 128 Arcana in the game:


10E765A7 9F10 4757 9301 815D80F71D1D


6D6DD42F C722 4F61 AC79 EF4E35B9BB95

9A8DBB9F F246 4927 B773 E22F1F0B7F7F

FEB6486E A303 4A25 8166 28394503E8B3

CFC9AEA3 221A 41C0 8A8B 218B42AB061B

9DCED0BA 2F33 473C B58A 91432D628D03

5C309D14 3386 4691 BDE3 59F6F5329B3F

7E5FCE30 9EFA 45B7 9F6C 6E78AD2E2A9B

BC78E74B 1920 4DE2 AACF ACE5F6973656

5E743D46 7201 4633 A9A4 FDC3A57FD15F

AB1BAD6E E630 4C2B BA50 8A0D9F931D7C

0B812FD6 6C07 49C4 A1FB 17A080B7F197

0C338C48 A6DB 4511 B297 C0E824C38E86

304929EB EC3F 434E B0A0 A82495BA6B64

DB54AE60 79B9 4014 9CD3 ABB40DD726FA

443ECABC 1152 44CB 9E9B B92EA62C6A86


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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