Wizard of Legend - Controles - Magic Game World

Wizard of Legend – Controles

FCF6CD6D AC45 4EDF BDC7 89A997E96BA2

Teclado y ratón

Movimiento: W,A,S,D


Conjuros: Botones izquierdo y derecho del ratón, Espacio, Q, E, R.


Inventario: Tab.


Mapa: M.



Mando (Xbox360 / XboxOne)

Movimiento: Stick Izquierdo


Hechizos: A, B, X, Y, LB, RB.


Inventario: LT


Mapa: L3


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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