Wizard to Arch Mage Quest Walkthrough - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Magic Game World

Wizard to Arch Mage Quest Walkthrough – Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

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Receiving the Quest and Locating Corlagon’s Estate:

This quest is given by Lord Newton. He wants you to retrieve an artifact, the Crystal of Terrax. However, his memory seems to be failing him a bit, and he suggests you might find it in the Mire of the Damned. Take his directions with a grain of salt; you’ll soon discover the artifact isn’t where he suggested.


Contrary to Lord Newton’s suggestion, Corlagon’s Estate isn’t in the Mire of the Damned. It’s actually situated northeast of it, in the southwest corner of the lands surrounding Castle Ironfist.



Preparing for the Quest:

Before you venture to the estate, be prepared; it’s brimming with the undead. The estate is also a maze of twisting passageways, hidden buttons, secret doors, and remote switches. Be sure to pack a lot of healing and magic restoration potions as the enemies can be tough.



The Crystal of Terrax Artifact:

Your ultimate objective in the estate is to locate and secure the Crystal of Terrax, a powerful artifact of great value to Lord Newton.



Exploring Corlagon’s Estate:

  • Upon entering the Estate, move straight ahead until you reach a T intersection. Turn right and enter the room ahead. Open the door on its north wall and proceed to the next room.


  • Open the door on the eastern wall of this room and follow the corridor to its first intersection, where a hallway veers off to the right.


  • Head down this passage, crossing a room filled with trash heaps until you emerge on a raised platform above a deep, sizeable room. Carefully follow the platform and exit the room.


  • Rounding the next corner, you’ll hit a teleporter, which simply transports you to the far end of the hallway. Keep following this corridor, ignoring all branching passages until you reach the door at the end.


  • Once you’ve opened the door, turn left. The small room in this direction has a button on the back wall. Press it and then backtrack to the intersection located north of the entrance.


  • Go west into a small room, turn right, and follow the passage all the way to its end. Once you open the door, jump into the well in front of you (no need for Feather Fall; it’s not very deep).


  • Find and press a switch on the west wall to reveal a secret door. Follow this new passageway to the first intersection leading left. At the end of this short dead-end is another button.


  • Push the button, turn around, and head east. At the T intersection, go left, and when you reach the end of the hall, tap the wall ahead to open another secret door.


  • After recognizing your location, retrace your steps to the room with the well. Once there, turn left, then take the first right turn available. Hit the button at the end of the corridor, turn around, and continue south to a small oval room.


  • Turn left, go through the door, and then take the first available right. The room at the end of this hall has yet another button; press it and return to the east-west hallway you just left.


  • Go east to a room with an overhead platform. Proceed northeast and pass through the doorway there. Follow this corridor to its end, leading to a room housing a Power Lich.



Confronting the Power Lich:

Power Liches are formidable foes who can quickly decimate your party, and should therefore not be taken lightly. Engage it with your most powerful spells and abilities, while making sure to keep your party’s health high.


Once you’ve defeated the Power Lich, you can find the Crystal of Terrax in a chest at the far end of the room. Retrieve it, and backtrack to the room with the overhead platform.



Returning to Lord Newton:

Once you have the Crystal, navigate your way back to the entrance of Corlagon’s Estate. Then return to Lord Newton and present him with the Crystal of Terrax. As a result of your successful quest completion, you’ll receive your promotion to Arch Mage.


This quest is complex, requiring not just combat prowess but also careful navigation and puzzle-solving. Remember to save frequently and keep your party’s health high. Good luck with your adventure!


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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