Wolfenstein: Youngblood – PS4 Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Wolfenstein /
25 Jul 2019
The controls layout for Wolfenstein: Youngblood on the PS4 is as follows:
PS4 Controls
Note: Click to enlarge image.
- L2: Aim/Fire left weapon
- L1: Lean/Tag enemy
- L3: Sprint
- Left Stick (L): Move
- Touch Pad Button: Journal
- D-Pad Buttons: Pep signal, Cloak on/off, Flashlight on/off
- R2: Fire right weapon
- R1: [tap] Grenade, [hold] Weapon wheel
- R3: Melee/Throwable Weapon
- Right Stick (R): Aim
- Triangle (Δ): Previous weapon
- Square (â–¡): Interact/Reload
- Circle (O): Crouch
- Cross (X): Jump