Wolfpack PC Keyboard Controls - Magic Game World

Wolfpack PC Keyboard Controls

Wolfpack PC Keyboard Controls

Use the W, A, S, and D keys to walk around. Hold shift to sprint. To start using a station in the U-boat, left-click it. To stop using the station, right-click anywhere.


To climb ladders, left-click the ladder to grab it, press W to climb upwards and S to climb downwards. When climbing, left click the top hatch to open or close it. Right-click to slide down and stop using the ladder. To access the radio compartment, walk or run through the open hatch in the control room.


While outside, enter binocular mode by scrolling forward on the mouse scroll wheel. To stop using the binoculars, scroll backwards. Press M to toggle the map view. Press escape to open the menu. Press T to start and stop the timer. Press R to reset and hide the timer. Enable the flashlight by pressing F. Switch between red, green, and white light by pressing G. Press C to bring up the mission window. Press and hold Q to display the objectives window.


Press enter to access the in-game chat. Type your message, and press enter again to send the message. In-game chat messages only reach your crew. Press and hold Tab to view a list of the players in the session. You can change the key bindings and turn on tooltips in the options menu.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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