Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap - Hidden Weapons and Armor Guide - Magic Game World

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – Hidden Weapons and Armor Guide


Legendary Sword:

-Hawkman required


-A Gold Key


Once you can fly from Monster Town, fly to the far right and keep flying until you come to the destroyed castle.


Remember that locked door when you were last here? Enter it and go to the Mecha dragon’s room. Inside will be a chest with the Legendary Sword inside.



Legendary Armour:

-Hawkman Required


-Gold Key required


After you get the Legendary Sword after returning to the Mecha Dragons room, head to the escape path from the previous time you were here. For me, there was a blue Cyclops who had a 100% drop rate on the armor.



Legendary Shield:

-Hawkman Required


When you go again to the destroyed castle, you come out to the far right in the same spot. Push ‘Up’ inside of the well. It’s on sale for 5890 coins.



Tasmanian Sword:

-Lionman Required


In the Underground, keep going to the left; the path will split into dead ends a few times. The final time will be a long split.


In the upper path, there will be a split between the stages; go through it. On the other side will be the dead end with a hidden door right at the end. Inside, the sword can be purchased.



Gallic Sword:



-All six charm stones.


Once you have all the charm stones, return to the entrance of the underground. The room with the three large pipes and destroy the lone block to access the shop. Inside the Charm, item will be the sword.


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