World of Warcraft Classic - Guild Commands - Magic Game World

World of Warcraft Classic – Guild Commands

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Guild commands are used to handle various guild functions such as inviting people to the guild, leaving the guild, promoting and demoting members, and other various functions.


  • /gdisband, /guilddisband: Disbands the entire guild. Only the guild leader can use this.


  • /ghelp, /guildhelp: Previously displayed guild help commands, but it seems this has been removed. To create a guild, use ‘guildcreate [name]’ in the console.


  • /ginfo, /guildinfo: Provides basic information about your guild.


  • /ginvite, /guildinvite [player]: Invites a player (or your current target) to the guild. You must be an officer to use this.


  • /gleader, /guildleader [player]: Changes the guild leader to another player. The new leader must already be a member, and only the current leader can change this.


  • /gquit, /guildquit: Leaves your current guild.


  • /gmotd, /guildmotd: Sets or updates the guild Message of the Day. You must be an officer to use this command.


  • /gpromote, /guildpromote [player]: Promotes a player or your current target within the guild.


  • /gdemote, /guilddemote [player]: Demotes a player or your current target within the guild.


  • /groster, /guildroster: Displays the full guild roster.


  • /gremove, /guildremove [player]: Removes a player from the guild. You must be an officer to use this.


  • /saveguildroster: Saves the current guild roster as a GuildRoster.txt file in your World of Warcraft Logs folder. The file includes details like name, level, class, rank, and location of each guild member.


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