WoW Classic – Best Daggers for Leveling
Let’s be honest, you’re probably not leveling a Rogue for the blazing speed. WoW Classic is a marathon, not a sprint, and daggers are… well, they’re daggers. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer with a rusty butter knife until level 60! This guide is for all of you brave (or perhaps slightly misguided) souls who have chosen the path of pointy death while leveling. We’ll wade through the swamp of mediocre loot and emerge, blinking, with a few daggers that will actually help you, you know, kill things before you run out of bandages.
Best Daggers for Leveling
- Compact Fighting Knife – Supervisor Fizsprocket Quest in Mulgore (Horde)
- Blade of Cunning – Level 10 Class Quest
- Kris of Orgimmar – Hidden Enemies Quest in Orgimmar (Horde)
- Thornblade – A Dark Threat Looms Quest in Loch Modan (Alliance)
- Silent Hunter – Call to Arms Quest in Arathi Highlands (Horde)
- Black Menace – In the Name of the Light Dungeon Quest for Scarlet Monastery
- Tok’kar’s Murloc Shanker – Threat from the Sea Quest in Swamp of Sorrows
- Fiendish Shiv – Challenge Overlord Mok’Morokk Quest in Dustwallow Marsh
- Ceremonial Elven Blade – A Hero’s Welcome Quest in Feralas (Alliance)
- Beasthunter Dagger – Shy-Rotam Quest in Winterspring
In addition the notorious Barman Shanker is a low percent drop chance from killing Plugger Spazzring in the Blackrock Depths dungeon. If done right, this can be solo’d or done with other Rogues/Druids at high levels – but it is a risky endeavor for a low drop rate.