WoW Classic – Best Professions for Mages
Mages have a lot of choices for which Professions they’d like to focus on in Classic WoW, and can lean heavily on what you’re looking to get out of Professions. If you want to fight other players and primarily engage in PVP, Mining and Engineering are excellent choices.
The bizarre equipment available to Engineers will allow you to ensnare or stun your opponents, charm them, deal extra damage, launch yourself across fighting arenas, and even open locks when out in the world.
If you plan on challenging difficult endgame raids, Tailoring and Enchanting is an ideal choice. This choice is common to all cloth-wearing classes, as high-level Tailoring allows the player to craft powerful Epic equipment, and Enchanting allows the player to enhance that equipment with powerful stat buffs.
Herbalism and Alchemy are also an excellent pairing for raiding Mages. This potent combination enables you to distribute powerful stat-boosting potions to the rest of the raid, or world at large (and making some coin for yourself at the same time).
If you want to make a ton of money, with little investment, pick up Herbalism and Mining. These professions require virtually no crafting, so you can simply gather herbs and ore, then sell them on the Auction House for a tidy profit.
Herbs are required to make Alchemy potions for end-game raids, and Mining is used by both Engineers and Blacksmiths, so there will always be demand.
Enchanting is also an excellent money-maker, but you’ll need to work harder to level up your skill to make the most of this profession.