WoW Classic – Chat Commands
Articles, World of Warcraft Classic /
26 Aug 2019
These commands are used to say things to other players. Unless otherwise noted, these channels are displayed in your current language. So, for example, if a Night Elf is currently speaking in Darnassian, Human players would not be able to understand them.
Chat Commands
- /e, /em, /emote, /me <message>
- Emotes <message> to all players in the general area, similar to /say, except displayed as “Player <message>”. So, for example, “/emote loves the WOW Wiki.” would be displayed as “Player loves the WOW Wiki.” Unlike other chat commands, this one does not use your current language. Across faction boundaries it simply displays “Player makes some strange gestures.”
- /bg <message>
- Displays <message> to all other raid members while in a PvP battleground.
- /c, /csay <channel> <message>
- Sends <message> to all players in <channel>. This does not use your current language. You can also use /# (where # is the channel number) to send a message to <channel>.
- /g, /gc, /gu, /guild <message>
- Displays <message> to all members in your guild.
- /o, /osay <message>
- Displays <message> to all officers in your guild. (You must have the ‘Officer Chat Speak’ privilege to use this)
- /p, /party <message>
- Displays <message> to all other party members. This does not include other people in your raid group, use /raid for that.
- /r, /reply <message>
- Replies to the last player to send you a /whisper
- /ra, /raid, /rsay <message>
- Displays <message> to all other raid members. While in a PvP battleground, use /bg instead.
- /s, /say <message>
- Displays <message> to other players in the general area.
- /send, /t, /tell, /w, /whisper <player> <message>
- Sends the private message <message> to <player>. No other players will see the message.
- /sh, /shout, /y, /yell <message>
- Displays <message> to other players in the area. The area of players that will see the message is larger than the area when /say is used.
- /v <macro>
- Plays the sound associated with the given voice macro <macro>.