WoW Classic – Class Differences between BFA and Classic - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Class Differences between BFA and Classic

WoW Classic – Class Differences between BFA and Classic

The class system has undergone many revisions between BFA and Classic. Here are some of the top changes:


There are 9 classes, down from 12.


-Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters were not available in Classic WoW.


-Paladins were limited to the Alliance, while Shaman were limited to the Horde.


-You cannot change your race, so picking the race/class combo you prefer is very important, as some are strong for DPS.


-Priests had unique racials based on their race.


-Druids had three talent trees, not four. Feral Combat was used for Guardian and Feral Druids.


-Rogues had the Combat specialization, not Outlaw.


-Hunters had an elaborate Pet Loyalty system, and Survival was a ranged DPS spec.



Talents and specializations were vastly different:


-Instead of picking a specialization within a class, and learning a set of unique abilities, you pick a class and the spec-flavored abilities come from talent points.


-The talent system was vastly more complex, with 51 points that can be placed into three trees, with abilities farther down the tree providing more powerful benefits.


-The option to dual-spec and save multiple talent builds was not present.


-Classic had the concept of Hybrids–roles that offered weaker DPS but had more utility and the capability to perform other roles in a pinch.


-Spells had ranks, and more unlocked at higher levels. You had to return to Class Trainers in capital cities to train these higher ranks.


-Many stats present in Classic are removed in BFA. Some of these stats were crucial to talent builds, such as abilities that increased Weapon Skill.


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