WoW Classic – Important Druid Quests Guide - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Important Druid Quests Guide

WoW Classic – Important Druid Quests Guide

Druid Class Quests are largely essential (barring a few) that should be considered either extremely important or at least worth your time, depending on how quickly you want to level.



Level 10 Bear Form Quest

Horde Druids will start their quest in Thunder Bluff, and quickly learn the ability to teleport to Moonglade, a special town just for Druids (this spell can also be used as second hearthstone to make certain instances of quick travel much quicker and efficient. Once at Moonglade, you’ll take on a quest to speak to the Great Bear Spirit outside of Nighthaven, and then return to Thunder Bluff.


You’ll get a Cenarion Lunar Dust, and be told to go to the border of the Barrens and Mulgore to summon a Lunaclaw, which will attack you. Defeat it, then return to Thunder Bluff to gain the Bear Form.


Alliance Druids will have a fairly similar quest – sending them from Darnassus to Moonglade to meet the Great Spirit Bear and back again. For this quest however, you’ll be told to take the Cenarion Moondust to Darkshore and use it at the Moonkin Stone near central Darkshore. Be sure you’re clear of Moonkins before summoning the Lunaclaw to defeat it, and then return to Darnassus to get Bear Form.



Level 14 Cure Poison Quest

Despite getting Abolish Poison later, Cure Poison is a worthwhile spell to invest in, so you may want to check it out, though the time it takes can vary. Ideally, you’ll want to already have 5 Earthroot from Herbalism or found in the Auction House.


Horde Druids should get the Lessens Anew quest and head to Moonglade, where you’ll get a Empty Dreadmist Peak Sampler. You’ll need to scale Dreadmist Peak in The Barrens and fill the sampler with poison water at the top – the mountain is up to the Northwest of the Crossroads (and you’ll be ambushed trying to sample the water).


For the second part, you’ll need to get a new quest requiring 5 Earthroot and 5 Kodo Horns. Hopefully you have the Earthroot now, and as for the Kodo Horns, you’ll need to find them wandering the northern plains of the Barrens. Finally, you’ll use the Curative Animal Salve to cure 10 Sickly Gazelle found wandering all over the Barrens. Do this, and you’ll get to hand in some favors at Moonglade and back at Thunder Bluff to get the spell.


As for Alliance Druids, you’ll generally have the same task in different locations. The Sampler you obtain must be used at the Cliffspring Falls in Darkshore at the base of the big river on the north side of Darkshore. Like the Horde version, you’ll be ambushed while getting the sample.


Along with gathering 5 Earthroot for the second part, you’ll also need Lunar Fungus, which is contained in Lunar Fungal Bloom found between Auberdine and Ameth Aran. Finally, you’ll use the Curative Animal Salve on 10 Sickly Deer critters wandering Darkshore, and then return to the quest givers to get your reward.



Level 16 Aquatic Form Quest

While you won’t see much use out of it early on, there’s no denying that some later quests will involve navigating large bodies of water, and having the aquatic form to swim faster and breathe underwater can come in handy- but it is a questline that involves a lot of traveling so you may wish to avoid until later.


Horde Druids can start in Moonglade to take on Trial of the Lake, sending you to find a Shrine Bauble in the middle of the lake in one of the urns, but you’ll need to return in 5 minutes. Next, you’ll need to combine two pendants: The Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility in the Barrens, and the Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance in Silverpine Forest.


The first pendants is located in the Sludge Fens at the top east of the map, and you’ll need to brave the sludge to find a submerged box in the middle of the water. The second pendant is located all the way off the coast of Silverpine Forest, nortthwest of Sepulcher. It’s quite a swim, but luckily the box is by a fissure that will give you air back. With both pendants, you can return to Moonglade and get your Aquatic Form.


For Alliance Druids, you’ll have the same test with different locations. The first part is largely the same, requiring you to go to Moonglade to find the Shrine Bauble in the middle of the lake.


Next you’ll need to find the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility in Darkshore, which is far north in the water among some islands north of where the river empties out, past the large turtle skeleton. As for the other Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance, you’ll need to travel all the way to Westfall, and swim far off the northwestern coast past the small island off the Gold Coat Quarry. Like in Silverpine, you’ll find the box next to a fissure to get some air back, and you can then return to Moonglade to get your Aquatic Form.


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