WoW Classic – Druid Stat Priority - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Druid Stat Priority

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Agility – Increases Druid’s Cat Form total Attack Power (but does not affect Attack Power of the Bear Form), directly affecting his Damage output, and provides him with Critical Strike and Dodge chances, furtherly increasing his offensive and defensive capabilities. Agility is Druid’s primary Statistic and it should be looked for in all Item upgrades.


Strength – Increases Druid’s Attack Power in both Bear and Druid Forms. It is Druid’s secondary statistic, as it directly increases Feral’s DPS and in turn lowers kill-times.


Stamina – Improves Druid’s survivability by increasing his total Health. Higher HP pool results in higher uptimes. Stamina also scales with Bear Form, making Bear Druid very hard to kill.


Intellect – Increases total Mana pool and provides Spell Critical chance (But HoT and DoT spells can’t crit, so Druid does not benefit from the Crit that much). All in all, more Intellect means more in-Combat Healing and Spell-Casting, which is beneficial to overall leveling speed.


Spirit – Increases your out-of-combat Health and Mana regeneration rate. Do not underestimate Spirit, as it can cut a large portion out of your Downtime, but do not stack it as it is less beneficial to Druid because of the fact that he does not use Mana while Shapeshifted.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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