WoW Classic – Herbalism Trainers and Where to Find Them
Articles, World of Warcraft Classic /
02 Sep 2019
You can learn Herbalism from any Herbalism trainer at any city of any race. The idea is, when you get out of your starting zone with your character, you will be sent to the city, like Orgrimmar for Orcs, Stormwind for Humans, Thunder Bluff for Taurens and Ironforge for Dwarves and Gnomes etc.
When you arrive at your city, you can ask any City Guard for directions, when asked for a Herbalism trainer, it will be marked on your map and with that you can easily find your way to them and learn Herbalism and other professions or locate other places of interest you need.
Here’s a list of all of the Herbalism Trainers in WoW Classic:
Alliance Herbalism Trainers
- Shylamiir: Stormwind City, Park (15,49)
- Tannysa: Stormwind City, Mage Quarter (45,76)
- Herbalist Pomeroy: Elwynn Forest, outside Stormwind Gates (39,48)
- Firodren Mooncaller: Darnassus, Temple Gardens (48,68)
- Malorne Bladeleaf: Teldrassil, in Dolanaar (57,60)
- Cylania Rootstalker: Ashenvale, Silverwind Refuge (50,67)
- Reyna Stonebranch: Ironforge, Great Forge (55,58)
- Kali Healtouch: Loch Modan, Thelsamar (36,48)
- Alma Jainrose: Redridge Mountains, Lakeshire (21,45)
- Telurinon Moonshadow: Wetlands, Menethil Harbor (8,55)
- Brant Jasperbloom: Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle (64,47)
Horde Herbalism Trainers
- Jandi: Orgrimmar, the Drag (upper floor) (55,39)
- Mishiki: Durotar, Sen’Jin Village (55,75)
- Komin Winterhoof: Thunder Bluff, central bluff (50,39)
- Ruw: Feralas, Camp Mojache (76,43)
- Martha Alliestar: Undercity, Apothecarium (64,47)
- Faruza: Tirisfal Glades, Brill (54,50)
- Aranae Venomblood: Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill (61,19)
- Angrun: Stranglethorn Vale, Grom’gol Base Camp (32,27)
Neutral Herbalism Trainers
- Malvor: Moonglade, Nighthaven (45,46)
- Flora Silverwind: Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay (27,77)