WoW Classic – Horde Mining Trainers – Locations Guide
Articles, World of Warcraft Classic /
02 Sep 2019
Note that, unlike other professions, there is not a Mining Trainer in every city, so for you to be safe, here is a list of all of the Mining Trainers in WoW Classic, with the continent of the zone indicated as (K) = Kalimdor, (EK) = Eastern Kingdoms.
- Makaru: Orgrimmar (K), The Valley of Honor (73,26)
- Krunn: Durotar (K), Razor Hill (51,40)
- Brek Stonehoof: Thunder Bluff (K), central bluff (34,57)
- Brom Killian: Undercity (EK), War Quarter, inner ring (56,37)
- Johan Focht: Silverpine Forest (EK), The Sepulcher (43,40)