WoW Classic - How to Get Bear Form (Druid) - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – How to Get Bear Form (Druid)

WoW Classic

Tired of being a squishy caster or a pointy-eared night elf? This guide will walk you through the steps to unlock Druid Bear Form in WoW Classic – prepare to dominate the melee!



Alliance Bear Form Quest

Start Quest: Kal the Druid Trainer in Dolanaar, Teldrassil (Coords 56,60).


Step 1: Go to Darnassus, set your Hearthstone there, then talk to Mathrengyl (Coords 35, 8).


Step 2: Teleport Moonglade and talk to Dendrite Starblaze (Coords 56,29).


Step 3: Talk to the Great Bear Spirit to the left of the building (Coords 38.7, 27.2).


Step 4: Hearthstone back to Darnassus and talk to Mathrengyl (Coords 35, 8).


Step 5: He will send you to fight a Moonkin named Lunaclaw in Auberdine.


Step 6: To find the Moonkin Stone, go to a cave in Darkshore east of Auberdine (Coords 43, 61).


Final Step: Go back to Mathrengyl in Darnassus and get Bear Form (Coords 35, 8)!



Horde Bear Form Quest

Start Quest: Gennia Runetotem, Druid trainer in Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore (Coords 50,62).


Step 1: Go to Thunder Bluff, set your Hearthstone there, and talk to Turak Runetotem (Coords 75, 27).


Step 2: Teleport Moonglade and talk to Dendrite Starblaze (Coords 56,29).


Step 3: Talk to the Great Bear Spirit to the left of the building (Coords 38.7, 27.2).


Step 4: Hearthstone back to Thunder Bluff and talk to Turak Runetotem (Coords 75, 27).


Step 5: He will send you to fight a Moonkin named Lunaclaw in the Barrens.


Step 6: To find the Moonkin Stone, take the road from Mulgore to the Barrens (Coords 41.9, 60.9).


Final Step: Go back to Turak Runetotem in Thunder Bluff and get Bear Form (Coords 75, 27)!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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