WoW Classic – Leatherworking Trainers and Where to Find Them
Articles, World of Warcraft Classic /
02 May 2018
You can learn Leatherworking from any Leatherworking trainer, which are found in capital cities and also near starting zones. When you arrive at a major city, you can ask any city guard for directions, and pick the Leatherworking trainer option. This will mark its location on your map, allowing you to easily find them and get your Leatherworking skills up to date.
Horde Leatherworking Trainers:
- Karolek: Orgrimmar, around 60,54
- Brawn: Stranglethorn Vale, around 37,50
- Brumn Winterhoof: Arathi Highlands, around 21,46
- Shelene Rhobart: Tirisfal Glades, around 65,60
- Arthur Moore: Undercity, around 70,58
- Chaw Stronghide: Mulgore, around 45,57
- Una: Thunder Bluff, around 41,42
- Hahrana Ironhide: Feralas, around 74,43
Alliance Leatherworking Trainers:
- Adele Fielder: Elwynn Forest, around 46,62
- Randal Worth: Stormwind City, around 68,49
- Nadyia Maneweaver: Teldrassil, around 43,43
- Aayndia Floralwind: Ashenvale, around 35,52
- Fimble Finespindle: Ironforge, around 40,32
- Telonis: Darnassus, around 60,36
- Drakk Stonehand: The Hinterlands, around 13,43