WoW Classic - Mage Class Quests Guide - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Mage Class Quests Guide

WoW Classic - Mage Class Quests Guide

Mages don’t really have many standout class quests. Unlike Warlocks (who gain new demons and even mounts from their quests), Mages typically get lackluster gear from quests, which is quickly outgrown. The only real Mage class quests worth mentioning give you a wand and a cosmetic bonus to those who are tired of counting sheep…



The Mage’s Wand

The ‘’’Mage’s Wand’’’ quest unlocks at Level 30, but it’s fairly difficult, and requires quite a bit of travel. Luckily for you, you already have access to the Teleport spells, which will make this a bit easier.


Regardless of your faction, your class trainer will have the quest ‘’’Journey to the Marsh,’’’ which will take you to Dustwallow Marsh to meet Tabetha and pick up the next quest, ‘’’Hidden Secrets.’’’


Head to The Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles to find Magus Tirth and pick up ‘’’Get the Scoop’’’, then look for ‘’Plucky’’ Johnson, the chicken. Use the ‘’beckon’’ command while targeting him to complete the quest, then return to Magus.


After picking up ‘’’Rituals of Power’’’ from Magus, head to the Library section of the Scarlet Monastery, located in the Tirisfal Glades (use the Undercity Teleport if you are Horde). Locate the Rituals of Power tome on one of the bookshelves and return it to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.


Tabetha will then give you the ‘’’Items of Power’’’ quest, which sends you north to the Arathi Highlands. Kill the Witherbark Trolls you’ll find there until you obtain 10 Witherbark Totem Sticks.


With the Totems in hand, head to the cairns, which comprise the Circle of Outer Binding, and combine them to obtain the Bolt Charged Bramble. This quest requires you to obtain Jade, so dip into your stores if you are a miner, grab one from a friend, or purchase one from certain item vendors or the Auction House, then return to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh to complete the quest.


While Tabetha will give you a choice of three wands, we recommend picking the Icefury Wand, as it perfectly complements our recommended Frost leveling build.



Polymorph: Pig

The purely cosmetic ‘’’Polymorph: Pig’’’ spell doesn’t become available until Level 60, but once you hit max level, head to Azshara to the meme-worthy Archmage Xylem to obtain the ‘’’Warlord Krellian’’’ quest.


Head down to the Ruins of Eldarath to find the Warlord, then dispatch the naga and bring the Prismatic Shell back to the Archmage, then collect the ‘’’Fragmented Magic’’’ quest.


Head back to the area where you found Krellian, then use Polymorph on the Spitelash Naga, which will quickly multiply. Destroy the tiny sheep until you have racked up a high enough bodycount to satisfy Xylem, then return to him to complete the quest and obtain the spell, Polymorph: Pig.


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