WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Arcane Surge - Magic Game World

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Arcane Surge

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Arcane Surge

Arcane Surge – it’s the new hotness in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery; think of it as your mana going supernova right at your target. Huge Arcane damage that scales up with your remaining mana – up to 300% more damage… then boom, your mana regen skyrockets by 300% for 8 seconds.



Unlocking Arcane Surge

To unlock Arcane Surge, you’ve gotta work on your rep. If you’re with the Horde, you’re looking at the Durotar Supply and Logistics faction… Alliance players? You’re dealing with the Azeroth Commerce Authority. Your mission is to reach Honored reputation with these guys.



Boosting Your Reputation

This part’s about grinding. Keep an eye out for Supply Shipment items; they’re green & drop from world content. Here’s the kicker: don’t just hand them in. Combine them with the profession materials they mention. Doing this triples the rep & currency you earn; efficient right?



Tips to Remember

  • Teaming up can make the grind easier.


  • Patience is key; it takes time to build up that rep…


  • Track your progress to see what works best for boosting your rep.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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