WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Master Channeler - Magic Game World

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Master Channeler

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: How to Get Master Channeler

Master Channeler is gonna revamp your Drain Life spell – no more channeling, a solid 15-sec duration, and a cooldown of the same time. Plus, it drains more mana but heals you 50% more with each hit; let’s dive into how to nab this rune depending on your race.




If you’re a Gnome, make your way to Loch Modan. Look for Greishan Ironstove at coordinates 27.3 | 61.9… He’s got the Malevolent Pie you need. Buy it, eat it & voila – the rune is yours -> easy peasy.




Orcs, your task is a bit more daring… Head over to the Barrens and find the Altar of Thorns at 58 | 27… Use Health Funnel to sap your own health. When you’re down to zero, you’ll magically heal up & the Master Channeler is yours. Risky but rewarding huh??



Undead: Gettin’ Reckless

Undead folks, your task’s a bit spooky. Head to Silverpine Forest, east side and find a cave around 56 | 45. Inside, you’ll meet the Sadistic Fiend. Cast Curse of Recklessness on this baddie, take ’em down & the rune is yours. It’s a bit grim, but hey, that’s the Undead style…




Humans, you’re on a fanatic hunt. Dark Strand Fanatic in Darkshore is your target, around 57 | 25… These guys drop the rune, so gear up for some action; it’s a classic battle for the prize.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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