WoW Classic – Tips and Tricks for Shaman Leveling
Articles, World of Warcraft Classic /
25 Sep 2019
Useful Tips
- Preserve your Gold. Ideally, you should be able to progress through levels without any Auction House purchases (if you spot a great Weapon upgrade, do not hesitate if it is cheap, however). When it comes to Skills – you should learn just the essentials from Class Trainers.
- Effects of some of your spells are the same across all spell levels, take advantage of this and save some mana on your casts – use Rank 1 Frost Shock to Slow Enemies, and a Rank 1 Earth Shock as an interrupt.
- Keep Intellect/Spirit set at hand even if you are specced as a DPS, this will increase your in-group versatility. Enhancement Shaman is still a capable Healer if he is dressed for the job.
- Pull mob after mob, after mob to the location where your Totems are set up. This will help you increase your mana efficiency by allowing you to utilize a single Totem Drop for a longer time.
- Keep your Weapon up to Date. Try to follow the Weapon Progression route and remember that most of your Damage comes directly from your Weapon (better Weapon = faster kill times = faster leveling), and remember that Weapon Damage is more important than Weapon DPS, which means that Slow Two-Handed Weapons are the best for you.