WoW Classic - Warrior Class Quests Guide - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Warrior Class Quests Guide

WoW Classic

Just like leveling, Warriors might find their class quests that unlock abilities and special rewards a bit frustrating at times.



Level 10 Warrior Quests

Thankfully your first quest at level 10 to acquire Defensive Stance and related abilities is simple enough regardless of race or faction.


Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren): To get this quest head to your class trainer to start the Path of Defense quest, then travel to the Far Watch Post on the east side of The Barrens. Then you will be required to go west of Durotar and venture into Lightning Ridge to kill Lightning Hides and Thunder Lizards and collect 5 Singed Scales.


Undead: Take on a simple quest to kill Ulag the Cleaver in Tirisfal Glades. Just pop the mausoleum trigger nearby and Ulag pops up to fight you.


Alliance (Humans): Get the quest A Warrior’s Training in Stormwind’s Old Town. Defeat Bartleby, a drunk, and return his mug for the completion of the quest.


Alliance (Dwarves and Gnomes): Speak with Muren Stormpike in the Military Quarter of Ironforge. You’ll receive a quest to kill Verjek, who’s hiding in a tent south of Brenwall Village in Dun Morogh.


Alliance (Night Elves): Speak with Elanaria in the Warrior’s Terrace of Darnassus. She’ll have you kill Vorlus Vilehoof, who’s on a curving mountain path in Teldrassil, near the center of the zone.



Level 20 Warrior Quests

Although these quests unlock at level 20, their difficulty and length may make them better suited for players closer to level 30. These tasks reward you with pieces of Brutal Armor, with even the chest piece offering useful bonuses like instant rage in critical moments.


Horde: Meet Thun’grim Firegaze atop a mountain just east of the northern Crossroads in The Barrens. He’ll give you a long quest chain, including a trip to Razorfen Kraul, gathering Smoky Iron Ingots in Stonetalon Mountains, and Powdered Azurite in Hillsbrad Foothills. The end of this chain gives you the chest piece of Brutal Armor.


To complete the other armor pieces:


  • Ula’elek in Sen’jin Village: Wants Satyr Hooves from Ashenvale.


  • Orm Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff: Has a quest to kill a Chimera Matriarch in Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Velora Nitely in Undercity: Sends you to kill Dragonmaw members in Wetlands.


Alliance: First talk to Yorus Barleybrew in Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. He has a timed quest for you to survive a cave encounter. Next talk to Duren Longbeard in Stormwind’s Dwarven district & get a shield and info on how to get the rest of the pieces. You will need to get:


  • Spider Fangs from a cave in Wetlands.


  • Chimera Horns and a Galvanized Horn from Stonetalon Peak.


For the other armor pieces:


  • Grimand Elmore in Stormwind: Wants Burning Blood from Worgens in Duskwood.


  • Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge: Needs Searing Coral from Menethil Harbor in Wetlands.


  • Mathiel in Darnassus: Sends you to Thousand Needles to collect Suncorched Shells from a wyvern nest.



Level 30+ Warrior Quests

You’ll reach some really nice rewards at level 30: Berserker Stance, Intercept and the sweet Whirlwind Axe. However, these quests are going to be a bit tough, especially getting the axe, so consider leveling up more or bringing a healer along.


Pick up the quest The Islander and travel to Fray Island off the coast of Ratchet. Here, you’ll begin The Affray, an arena gauntlet that culminates in a fight against “Big Will.” Use Hamstring on your foes, bring along plenty of Healing Potions, and emerge victorious to claim Berserker Stance and its abilities.


Whirlwind Axe: See Bath’rah the Windwatcher along the river that parallels the Alterac Mountains. He’ll give the Cyclonian quest, which requires:


  • Liferoot: Gathered by herbalists.


  • Bloodscalp Tusks: Drop from trolls in Stranglethorn Vale.


  • Essence of the Exile: Made from Charms from various elementals in Arathi Highlands.


The final quest, The Summoning, pits you against Cyclonian; (an elite level 40 with stuns and knockbacks). Bring some friends with you to take him down. Kill Cyclonian, loot the Whirlwind Heart, and choose your reward.


We highly recommend taking Whirlwind Axe since it will have a slow speed & high damage output, which is ideal for leveling and maximizing all of your abilities, particularly with Axe Specialization.


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