WoW Classic - Will the Original Unarmored Mounts be Obtainable in Classic? - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Will the Original Unarmored Mounts be Obtainable in Classic?

WoW Classic - Will the Original Unarmored Mounts be Obtainable in Classic?

There will be no opportunity to acquire the original epic mounts, removed in Patch 1.4.


From Wowhead’s Interview with Brian Birmingham and Patrick Dawson:


It is the current vendor mounts for 1.12. We aren’t putting back the unarmored mounts. We just talked about this recently internally. We know some people are interested in them, but we don’t want to put them in for a limited period of time, because we didn’t want to influence people through their first leveling experience.


Especially people coming back for the first time. We don’t want people to feel like they have to rush. If you want to level slowly and enjoy the journey, you should. That’s how I like to play–taking it slow, running every dungeon.


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