WRC 9: FIA World Rally Championship PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
30 Aug 2020
Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for WRC 9: FIA World Rally Championship. You can change your control settings whether you are on the main menu or in-game. Head to the settings menu (press ESC whilst in-game), and choose the Controls option.
General Controls
Accelerate | Up |
Brake | Down |
Clutch | CTRL |
Steer left | Left |
Steer right | Right |
Handbrake | Space |
Shift up | W |
Shift down | S |
First gear | N |
Second gear | N |
Third gear | N |
Fourth gear | N |
Fifth gear | N |
Sixth gear | N |
Reverse | N |
Respawn | R |
Headlights on/off | E |
Wipers on/off | Q |
Next view Previous view | C |
Rear view | Z |
Look right | X |
Look left | N |
Camera horizontal axis | A |
Camera vertical axis | D |
Start | Esc |
Confirm | Enter |
Back | Esc |
Secondary | Ctrl |
Tertiary | Shift |
Left shoulder | 1 |
Right shoulder | 3 |
Left trigger | Right |
Right trigger | Left |
Left stick | Alt |
Right stick | Alt Gr |
Scroll |
Mouse Scroll