Wreckfest 2: Server Admin & Console Commands Guide - Magic Game World

Wreckfest 2: Server Admin & Console Commands Guide

Wreckfest 2

Wreckfest is BACK… and it’s turned up to eleven! We’re talking bigger wrecks, uglier machines, and more ways of turning metal into confetti than ever before. Whether you’re battling your way to the top of the podium or just enjoying the lovely art of getting totaled in style, sometimes you need to lay down the law (or turn up the chaos even MORE). If you have a Wreckfest 2 server that you’re hosting, these console commands are your little secret ingredient to having relatively civilized races or pure chaos. Your server, your rules, your massacre!



Becoming the All-Powerful Admin

Wait! Don’t start impressing us with your admin powers just yet. You’ve got to actually be an admin, right? Consider this your initiation into the overlord server clan. Here’s the super easy declassified rundown:


Snag Your Steam ID  – Don’t know your Steam ID? No problem. Head on over to SteamID.io. It’s your Steam ID decoder ring. Grab that steamid64 – that’s the magic number.


Jump into Host Havoc (Your Server HQ) – Log in to your server control panel at Host Havoc. First things first: turn off the server. Gotta shut down the machine before we tinker with the innards.


Hack the Config File (Don’t Panic, It’s Easy) – Head on over to the section called Configuration Files. Look for a file called server_config.cfg and open it. Inside, find the admin_steam_ids section.


Drop Your Steam ID – See that equals sign next to admin_steam_ids? That’s where your steamid64 needs to go.


Save, then close the file and Restart! – Hit Save, then close the file, then reboot that server!



Wreckfest 2 Admin Commands

Alright, now that you’re the big cheese, let’s move on to the admin commands! Just insert these into the server console and hammer that Enter key.


/admin [id] – Promote another player to admin. Share the power? Maybe or maybe not. Your decision, great leader.


/op [id] – Give a user moderator powers. They get a taste of authority, but not too much of one. Like a junior admin.


/demote [id] – Remove admin/mod privileges. Someone was naughty? Authority gone! Sayonara title-bling!



Player Management

/kick [id] – Kick a player from the server. “YEET!!” Get outta here, noob! (Fine, be a little less rude. or maybe not).


/ban [id] – PERMA-BAN!! No going back on this one. They’re banned. Forever (or at least until you unban them, but come on!).


/bansteamid [steam id] – Stealth Ban! Bans by Steam ID. Naughty players trying to rejoin? Not on your life!


/unban [ban index] – Time to Forgive! Unban a player who has repented. Maybe they learned their lesson? Or maybe you just felt generous.


/unbansteamid [steam id] – Steam ID Unban! Unban using their Steam ID. For when you feel like being more precise in your unbanning.


/clearbans – Fresh Start Button! Clear the entire ban list! Total amnesty! Let the anarchy start over.



Server & Gameplay Tweaks: Master of Mayhem

/servername [new server name] – Pimp Your Server Name! Make it cool, frightening, or hilarious! “Wreckfest Thunderdome,” anyone?


/password [new password] – Lock it Down! Change the server password. Keep the riff-raff out, or change it up for your friends.


/welcome [new welcome message] – Drop the Mic at the Door! Change the welcome message that players receive when they join. Make it EPIC!


/restart – Reset the Arena! Restart the server. “Let’s try this again, with MORE DESTRUCTION!””


/eventloop – Deck Shuffle; toggle auto-event on or off (if you have it set up): make it hot and unpredictable!


/balanceteams – Fair Fight! Balance the teams. No more crushing the competition (unless one-sided stomps are your thing.).


/bot – In with the Bots! Place an AI bot in the game.


/message [new message] – Server-Wide Shoutout! Posts a message to ALL members of the server. Great for trash talk, event announcements, or other general admin announcements!!



Quick Reference to All Console Commands – Type “Help” to See All Commands.

Wreckfest 2: Server Admin & Console Commands


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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