WWE 2K20 - Pinfall and Kick Out Controls - Magic Game World

WWE 2K20 – Pinfall and Kick Out Controls

WWE 2K20 - Pinfall and Kick Out Controls

When you’re being pinned, the only way to kick out is to wait for the blue meter to enter the red zone, then press the X Button (PS4) or the A Button (Xbox One). The red zone can be increased by having the ‘Pin Escape’ Attribute.


With the ‘Resiliency’ Ability, you can immediately kick out of a pin by pressing the Triangle Button (PS4) or the Y Button (Xbox One).


With the ‘Rope Break’ Ability, when near the ropes, you will be prompted to press the O Button (PS4) or the B Button (Xbox One).


As an attacker, having the ‘Dirty Pin’ Ability lets you pin the opponent with your feet on the rope. This can be done when your opponent lies parallel to the ropes, and you press the O Button (PS4) or the B Button (Xbox One).


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