X4: Foundations – Combat & Turret Settings - Magic Game World

X4: Foundations – Combat & Turret Settings

X4: Foundations – Combat & Turret Settings

Ships armed with weapons and turrets can shoot at other ships to deal damage to them. Shields will absorb damage taken until they are depleted but only start to recharge after not having taken damage for a period of time. Individual surface elements of ships can be targeted to disable them; however, these may also have their own independent shielding. Once shields are depleted, the ship or surface element will start taking hull damage from landed hits. If the hull of a surface element reaches 0, it is disabled until repaired, while if the ship hull 0, it will blow up, destroying the ship, and if the player was on-board, it would result in a Game Over.


Weapons can be sorted into groups under the Weapon Configuration part of the Ship Interactions Menu allowing for the player to switch between using specific weapons (e.g., high damage long-range and accurate short-range weapons). Primary ship weapons will automatically try to acquire the selected target ship while secondary weapons will aim at the position the cursor is pointing. Turrets will automatically fire at targets prioritizing certain targets based on the mode they are set to. Most ships have blind spots from which they can not attack, making ideal spots for their enemies to maneuver into. Although an individual ship can be good at dueling opponents, superior numbers are another way to win battles.



Turret Settings

  • Turret offline: Will not undertake any action


  • Turret online: Will undertake the actions below


  • Attack Enemies: Attack any hostiles


  • Target: Will only attack the selected target if it is hostile


  • Defend Ship: Returns fire on things that attacks the ship (not missiles)


  • Missile Defence: Will only try to intercept incoming missiles (not ships)


  • Break Asteroids: Supports mining solid materials



  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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