X4: Foundations – What is the difference between claiming and boarding? - Magic Game World

X4: Foundations – What is the difference between claiming and boarding?


What is the difference between claiming and boarding?

Large capital ships (L and XL type) have so much crew, that simple claiming does not work anymore. Here you have to start a proper boarding operation to take them over. Boarding is initiated from the BOARDING menu, which is accessed from the right click menu BOARDING action. Your ship, or other ships in your squad, need to have MARINES. The more marines and the higher their skills, the better your chances through the three phases of boarding. To get a good idea of your chances you should SCAN a ship (scan interaction from right click menu from very near by). The three phases of boarding then take time and offer you to support the boarding effort. In phase 1 you can destroy turrets or engine and other surface elements of the target ship so that your boarding pods are not destroyed on approach. In phase two the HULL of the target must be below a threshold you set so the marines do not have to cut through the entire hull. In phase 3 the marines fight inside the target ship against the ships crew and marines. This is where the defending strength comes in.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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