Yooka-Laylee PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
12 Apr 2017
Basic Controls
- Up, Down, Left, Right OR WSAD – Directional controls
- Space – Jump, also talk to people, select options in the menu (works as the ‘A’ button)
- Anomaly: The ‘X’ button can also be used to jump, but loses function entirely when around anyone you can talk to, and CANNOT be used to talk to a person.
- Esc – Works as the ‘B’ Button, cancels out of menus, but also pauses the game. Minor annoyance when you pause the game and also exit from a menu/conversation.
- Tab – Zooms into a third person ‘shooter’ angle, used for aiming Yooka for shooting items later in the game.
- C – Uses Yooka’s tongue. Initially grabs hold of butterflies, but will also grab hold of other things later in the game after learning proper moves from Trowzer.
- Z – Your attack button. Use it to spin into enemies or attack in the air.
- Shift – Used to duck. Will initially not be useful as keyboard players cannot ‘sneak’, but comes into play later with moves learned by Trowzer (see advanced controls section for more)
- Q – Rotate Camera Left
- E – Rotate Camera Right
- Spacebar – swim up (towards the surface)
- Ctrl – swim down (towards the ground)
Advanced Controls
- Shift – Rolls Yooka into a ball so you can roll around. Is also used to create a bubble underwater.
- Space + Ctrl – Your slam attack. Jumps into the air, then slams Yooka into the ground.
- Alt – Uses Laylee’s Echolocation ability.
- Ctrl + Alt – Uses Laylee’s super-echolocation.
- Ctrl + Right Mouse button – Uses Yooka’s invisibility.
- Ctrl + Left Mouse button – Allows you to fly. Oddly, using ‘Jump’ (space) allows you to gain height.
- Shift + Alt – The final move, which allows you to roll around with a sonar shield on.