YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- Ending Guide - Magic Game World



First, collect all of the Jellyfish people and beat the game once.



How To Find All Jellyfish


Enter the docks’ doorway from the nexus. Use the umbrella to jump left past the fisherman, and glide as far left as you can.




Go to the mannequin room. Go right past the jumping segment and gate, and into the room with all the boxes. Above the door you came in through, there’s a secret passageway. Through there, there is a dark room filled with mannequins. Equip the lamp, and go left until you pick up a Rooftop Key. Go back to the entrance of the mall, and go in the door next to the entry point. Go up the elevator, and use the Rooftop Key on the door to the right. Go through that door, and go right.



Dark Street

Enter the door from the Nexus, and go left.



Ghost Town / Desert / Sky Garden

After trapping the angry orb in the Ghost Town, one of the doors in the middle alleyway near the entrance will open. Go in there.



School / Destroyed (red) School

One of the rooms in the destroyed school will have a chalkboard with a hand symbol on it. Use the hand effect near it and pick up the purple item (a key). Go back to the regular school, and go to the top floor. Go in the previously locked bathroom and touch the jellyfish.



Go and dream in your bed and go to the room where you go for the ending.




You will find yourself back in your room. Go through the door to outside again. You will be in a hallway again and just like the normal ending everything will go black. Go past the elevator and do not go inside. Go to the second to last door in this hallway. Inside you will find a room with a bunch of boxes and three venus symbols (♀). Touch the symbols they will start glowing.




Go up the elevator and head down the hall to a door at the very end.




Enter this door, you will find yourself on the roof in a massive storm.




Head to the left and you will find another trio of venus symbols. Touch them and you will teleport onto a spaceship.




Once on the ship go up to Masada Sensei and talk to him. He will play a song. Afterward on an Xbox Controller Press AYX in that order. He will play the song again repeat the combination AYX. Head through the door and lay down.


Congratulations you got the ending!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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